movie film review | chris tookey

Waltz With Bashir

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  Waltz With Bashir Review
Tookey's Rating
6 /10
Average Rating
8.25 /10

Directed by: Ari Folman
Written by: Ari Folman

Tookey's Review
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Anti Reviews
Released: 2008
Origin: Israel
Colour: C
Length: 90

The most original film of the week is this weird little animated documentary.
Reviewed by Chris Tookey

The soundtrack consists of various people remembering the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon and two massacres within Palestinian refugee camps by pro-Israeli Christian militiamen, shortly after the assassination of Lebanese president-elect Bashir Gemayel. The visuals offer absurdist, comic-strip illustrations which point up – don’t hold the front page - the horror and futility of war.

Israeli filmmaker Ari Folman himself served as a soldier, and the film is concerned with the way the human brain remembers what it chooses to recall, and not necessarily everything that really happened.

There’s never been a more graphic display of post-traumatic stress disorder, and the effect of the film is uniquely hallucinatory and disturbing.

The picture comes across more as therapy for Folman and his military ex-colleagues, than as entertainment for the viewing masses. But it’s undeniably distinctive, and anyone interested in the unconventional end of animation should take a look.

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