movie film review | chris tookey

Bull Durham

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  Bull Durham Review
Tookey's Rating
8 /10
Average Rating
7.23 /10
Kevin Costner , Susan Sarandon , Tim Robbins
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Directed by: Ron Shelton
Written by: Ron Shelton

Tookey's Review
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Released: 1988
Genre: DRAMA
Origin: US
Length: 108

Crash, a downwardly mobile baseball player now in minor leagues (Kevin Costner), is given the task of helping "Nuke", a rising pitcher (Tim Robbins, pictured left) with a talent for getting himself into trouble. Both battle for the affections of Annie, an eccentric baseball groupie (Susan Sarandon, right).
Reviewed by Chris Tookey

Intelligent romantic comedy with three unusual and engaging central characters. Robbins is convincingly thick as the young man with "a million dollar arm and a five cent head". Costner is attractively thoughtful as baseball's answer to Mike Brearley.

And you have to warm to any woman who ties sportsmen to her bed and then makes them listen to poetry. "A guy will listen to anything," Sarandon observes perceptively, "if he thinks it's foreplay".

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