Tookey's Review |
Pro Reviews |
Mixed Reviews |
Anti Reviews |
Cast |
Released: |
1932 |
Genre: |
Origin: |
US |
Colour: |
BW |
Length: |
72 |
Ancient Egyptian high priest (Boris Karloff) is revived and seeks reincarnation of former girl-friend (Zita Johann).
Reviewed by Chris Tookey
Classic horror film which goes for a weird atmosphere rather than shocks, and is a triumph of the cinematographer's art. Director Freund had previously photographed three great silents, Der Golem, The Last Laugh and Metropolis , and the original Dracula. Here, he collaborates effectively with cameraman Charles Stumar. Despite the film's visual strengths, modern audiences may find it slow-moving; and the performances are stiff and unconvincing. It was Karloff's first starring role.