movie film review | chris tookey

Fantastic Fear of Everything

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  Fantastic Fear of Everything Review
Tookey's Rating
1 /10
Average Rating
3.00 /10
Simon Pegg , Paul Freeman, Amara Karan
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Directed by: Crispian Mills, Chris Hopewell
Written by: Crispian Mills

Tookey's Review
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Released: 2012
Origin: UK
Colour: C
Length: 100

Horrific, and not in a good way.
Reviewed by Chris Tookey

Crispian Mills was lead singer of the 90s band Kula Shaker, but he’s also the son of actress Hayley Mills and director Roy Boulting. Belatedly, he’s decided to go into the family business.

Together with co-director Chris Hopewell, he’s made what is undoubtedly the weirdest film of the year.

Simon Pegg (pictured) chews the carpet and then starts on the soft furnishings as Jack, a children’s author (published works include Timmy The Tortoise) obsessed with the idea that he’s being stalked by a serial killer.

The early scenes are reminiscent of German expressionism in the silent era, but any artistic potential is scuppered by the undesirable sight of Mr Pegg in dirty Y-fronts, together with a complete lack of suspense. Our anti-hero is patently bonkers from the start, a panicky Mr Bean without the comedy skills.

At one point, the film-makers attempt to up the horror with a blatant rip-off of the Psycho shower-scene. It serves only to emphasise Hitchcock’s mastery.

When the action (or lack of it) moves to a local launderette, Jack’s paranoia is fed by a fear of the so-called Vietnamese Mafia. As if this isn’t crazy enough, a late coincidence produces a real serial killer, who turns up with the most improbable back-story I’ve heard in a while. “I’m on a rampage of vengeance,” he explains chattily.

The picture ends with a bewildering sidestep into children’s animation, as our hero tries to save his skin with the would-be touching tale of Harold the Hedgehog and his hard-nut brother Brian.

A Fantastic Fear of Everything is certainly different, but that doesn’t mean it’s good. It isn’t nearly as funny as it thinks it is – it’s only funny peculiar - and as horror it’s a good deal less scary than the BBC’s coverage of the Jubilee Water Pageant.

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