Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu is a pretentious fraud, but its taken some time to understand the precise nature of his fraudulence. |
(Scott Tobias, The Dissolve) |
An unrecognizable Michael Keaton seems to have aged 40 years since the last time he appeared on the screen, but hes still the best (i.e., only) reason to suffer through a miserable load of deranged, deluded crap masquerading as a black comedy called Birdman. |
(Rex Reed, New York Observer) |
Birdman exists in that realm of cinematic thought where condemning whatever is currently popular in mainstream film is considered intellectual bravery. |
(Mark Hughes, Forbes) |
Birdman is molted and motley. It coos and screeches. It's one of those films that keeps prattling about the truth, but it deals with it falsely. It smacks of pretension throughout... In Birdman, ignorance goes viral. |
(Tony Macklin, tonymacklin.net) |
Birdman trades on facile, casual dichotomies of theatre versus cinema and art versus commerce. Its a white elephant of a movie that conceals a mouse of timid wisdom, a mighty and churning machine of virtuosity that delivers a work of utterly familiar and unoriginal drama. Of such things, too, can Oscar buzz be made. |
(Richard Brody, New Yorker) |
Im not one who likes ambiguity. If Im going on a 2 or 3-hour journey with you, I want to arrive at a destination and have some sort clarity at the end, otherwise it feels like lazy writing to me. This review is purposefully vague and lacking in details because I dont want to spoil most of the twists and surprising elements in the film. The ending made me want to throw a brick at the screen. |
Thats ultimately the problem with this movie; it makes you question things, brings up many fun scenarios but doesnt follow through on anything. Two thirds of this film is absolutely brilliant, but the last act pretty much sinks it. |
(Michelle Alexandria, Eclipse Magazine) |
The lonesome yawp of a limited, one-trick-pony given now to defensiveness and self-consciousness. |
(Walter Chaw, Film Freak Central) |
This comes off like a preemptive strike against all those critics who might have the temerity to take aim at Birdman, a movie with ambitions as high-flying as its superhero but a success rate decidedly lower to the ground. |
(Peter Rainer, Christian Science Monitor) |
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu is a pretentious fraud, but its taken some time to understand the precise nature of his fraudulence... It's a godawful mess. |
(Norman Wilner, Now) |
Its never clear where this depressing, talky bullshit is really aimed. Is Birdman an indictment of Hollywood for playing to the crowds? That would be odd coming from a movie stuffed with camera gimmicks, eye candy, dirty jokes and stunt casting. |
(Edward Johnson-Ott, NUVO NewsWeekly) |
A self-indulgent and generally tedious luvvie comedy where smug has been substituted for smart. |
(David Edwards, Daily Mirror) |